Press Release: Hands off Rafah March

Press Release: Hands off Rafah March

Hi all, PASS has prepared a Press Release to be used for circulating information about a rally/march we are organizing in response to the imminent ground invasion in Rafah. Feel free to share this information and the flyer attached to this newsletter.

Thank you,

Hands Off Rafah
Meet at Heritage Park
Olympia, WA
5pm – The Day After Israeli Invasion of Rafah (Date TBA)

Since October 7, the IDF has marched south through Gaza murdering over 32,000 Palestinians, including over 10,000 children (one every 15 minutes). Rafah has been shelled relentlessly for weeks. But now, Ron Dremer, Israel’s Strategic Affairs Minister is claiming that the military will invade Rafah and defeat Hamas “even if the entire world turns against Israel, including the United States.” We must make our voices heard and tell Israel: HANDS OFF RAFAH!

20 years ago, Rachel Corrie was killed while protesting the destruction of Palestinian homes in Rafah. She was unarmed and in plain sight when she was crushed by an IDF-operated bulldozer. Her death galvanized Palestinian solidarity in Olympia and worldwide. That legacy continues to inspire action in Olympia today. Her death is the reason Rafah is our sister city and why we have a moral obligation to oppose a full scale Israeli ground invasion. How does Rachel’s legacy live in you?

  • 5pm @ Heritage Park, Olympia, WA
  • Day after invasion of Rafah (Date TBA)
  • 2 mile march through downtown
  • Entirely paved, included one hill up and down
  • Family Friendly
  • Bring signs, friends, and energy. Prepare to Make Noise!

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