Nakba 76 Events

Nakba 76 Events

May 15, 2024 marks the 76th year since the 1948 Nakba ('The Catastrophe' in Arabic). The Nakba is the event that forever changed Palestinian society, culture and life. Palestinians were violently displaced from their homes and land – more than 750,000 Palestinians were forcefully made to flee after the establishment of the State of Israel.

Family carrying all of their belongings, Reuters

On Nakba Day, we commemorate, recognize and sit with the Catastrophe that was enacted through the violent apparatus that enabled Zionism to change the fabric of Palestinian society. Zionism has been and continues to be supported by the United States without any intervention, accountability or impediment. Israel rejects the right of return of the Palestinian diaspora, routinely assaults Palestinians, has taken thousands of hostages (many of whom are children) and has escalated their ethnic cleansing through genocidal acts of violence.


10:00 am

Joint Nakba Remembrance Ceremony
Online on Wednesday, May 15 at 10:00 AM PT
For more information and to register:
Recordings of past ceremonies can also be accessed at this website.

3:00 pm

Palestine, Resistance & the Struggle for Freedom
Evergreen State College, Purce Hall 1
Olympia, WA

Join students, faculty, and community members for a panel discussion on the history of the Nakba, a colonial process of ethnic cleansing and displacement inflicted on the Palestinian people in their ancestral homeland. 

A film screening of Farha (2021), the story of a young Palestinian’s experience of the 1948 Nakba, will be shown at 4:30 pm.