March 4th, 2024

March 4th, 2024
New logo for Palestine Action South Sound

General Updates

New website

Spread the word about our new site!

Stop Cop City

  • PASS adopted a formal endorsement of the Stop Cop City movement. 
  • At least 57 people voted yes; no objections.

Child care

  • PASS is working on providing child care during meetings.
  • There may be a space in the main house for childcare.
  • Several ideas were shared about how to coordinate childcare but no agreement has been reached yet.

PASS guiding principles

Ratifying longer run principles...


Q: When you say “freedom” and “land back,” it’s kind of vague. It may be good to be specific.

Response: Right to return; everyone living there has equal rights; no Jewish supremacy. We intentionally left it at that general level.

D: One of the principles is about not buying from businesses that support Israeli occupation. There’s an app called “No Thanks” that could help with that.

Vote to ratify principles

  • No objections. Motion adopted.

Coordinating Committee

  • The Coordinating Committee consists of a delegate from each subcommittee plus 2 members at large. Everyone is welcome to attend the CC meeting though.
  • Previously, we recommended people serve on a committee for 4 months and then rotate. Now we recommend serving for 6 months to help with continuity. We also use staggered terms (every 3 months, half of the members change).
  • Next CC meeting is scheduled on Wednesday, March 13 at 5:45 pm at San Francisco Street Bakery (by Roosevelt Elementary School).

Committees Report Out

Art Committee

Tuesday, 3/19 banner drop over the highway from 4:30 - 5:30 pm. Bridge at 4141 Martin Way near Tractor Supply / Hobby Lobby. Looking for PVC pipes or bamboo to use as poles.

Action Committee

  • Passed out a lot of flyers and education at the Kimya Dawson show on 2/25.
  • No to GSS Plan (Boeing event in Seattle on 3/12).

Fundraising Committee

  • At Painted Plate during Arts Walk, there will be an auction benefiting Palestinian children. The business is looking for artists to paint plates that can be put up for auction (4/25 - 4/28). Would also welcome art in other mediums or a booth from PASS. If you’re interested in either, contact TJ from Painted Plate, (360) 705-2103.
  • Committee will have a corner during Arts Walk. Will include food and drinks.
  • Every Friday after prayer at the mosque, there is a fundraiser effort.
  • PASS’ priority is to send funds to Gaza directly. We also recognize that people providing services here (e.g., with childcare) should be paid living wages.
  • Images created for merchandise (stickers, posters, etc.).
    • Images can also be used by other committees.

Film Committee

  • 3/16 is the anniversary of Rachel Corrie’s death. We will help Rachel’s parents with whatever they want to plan.
  • Trying to revamp the Film Committee to provide it more structure.
    • Want to show films with integrity and intention.
    • Need support with facilitating films shown in Olympia, Lacey, and Tumwater.
    • Planning for some films upcoming at Olympia Film Society (OFS). More info to come over the next couple of months.

Legislative Committee

  • The most important action is voting “uncommitted” on your ballots for the primary election. To make an impact, make sure to fill in the bubble choice with “uncommitted” (do not use the write-in line).
  • Federal action:
    • UNRWA Funding letter - legislators needed to sign on by 3/6. UNRWA was created in 2010 to supply Palestinians with food, medicine, and necessities. U.S. and some other countries halted funding to the org recently due to allegations that some UNRWA staff participated in Oct 7 attack.
    • Senator Murray: Murray came to Olympia recently and met with House Democratic Caucus. No legislators mentioned Gaza at this meeting.
  • Art for Gaza
    • Olympia Rafah Solidarity Mural is seeking artists for a fundraising event that benefits the Middle East Children’s Alliance. Respond to with interest by Monday, 4/15.
  • State action:


  • Released a zine that was distro’d at the Kimya Dawson show; zine group will begin working on a second issue in a couple of weeks. Interested in more relational pieces (e.g., interviews between/within communities).
  • Looking for folks to join the Speaker's Bureau and for places to speak (contact Larry for leads).
  • Will be tabling this Saturday at the farmer’s market.