Anti-Palestinian Racism Survey

Anti-Palestinian Racism Survey
(Eyad Al Baba/APA images)

Are you afraid to stand up for Palestinians or Palestinian-Americans? Have you experienced harassment or discrimination for being Palestinian/Palestinian American or advocating for Palestinian rights?

The following survey is voluntary and anonymous. A group of pediatricians want to gain a better understanding of anti-Palestinian racism (APR) including who might be impacted and whether people are aware of this specific type of racism. Your responses will be used to gain a better understanding of the prevalence of APR and who might be impacted. In order to protect your identity, please do not include your name on the survey. If you would like to receive information, you can email authors at the email at the end of the survey.

This survey is open to any adults (18 years of age and older) living in the US (they do not need to be citizens, just living in the US). Please share the survey with anyone who you think would be willing to take 5 minutes – we want as broad of a representation as possible: all political leanings, ethnicities, socioeconomic groups, faith backgrounds, etc.

Anti-Palestinian Racism (sometimes confused with anti-Arab racism or Islamophobia) is a form of racism that silences, excludes, erases, stereotypes, defames or dehumanizes Palestinians/Palestinian Americans and allies (including advocates of Palestinian human rights) or their narratives. LINK: